Yes, it's been a number of years since I updated this site. Am getting back on the case with a slightly more modern re-design but have temporarily jettisoned some of the content simply becasue I want to get something new up and running sooner rather than later. I'm sure I'll add it all back eventually in some form or another.
I'm not 100% happy with the overall appearance of the main site but it's better than it was and I can adjust things later as required.
I've started off with a few important bits like the Mr Claypole memorial, because, let's face it, everyone loves Mr Claypole. Plus I've added a Star Wars page where I built a gallery for some of my old action figure card backs.
Handy Hint for Today
Identifying a Illegitimate Child
If it be intended to give a legacy to an illegitimate child, the testator must not class him with the lawful children, or designate him simply as the child of his reputed parent, whether father or mother, but must describe the child by name as the reputed child of or, so as to leave no doubt of identity.
Enquire Within Upon Everything, 1884