Yes, it's been a number of years since I updated this site. Am getting back on the case with a slightly more modern re-design but have temporarily jettisoned some of the content simply becasue I want to get something new up and running sooner rather than later. I'm sure I'll add it all back eventually in some form or another.

I'm not 100% happy with the overall appearance of the main site but it's better than it was and I can adjust things later as required.

I've started off with a few important bits like the Mr Claypole memorial, because, let's face it, everyone loves Mr Claypole. Plus I've added a Star Wars page where I built a gallery for some of my old action figure card backs.

Handy Hint for Today

Cautions in Visiting the Sick

Do not visit the sick when you are fatigued, or when in a state of perspiration, or with the stomach empty--for in such conditions you are liable to take the infection. When the disease is very contagious, place yourself at the side of the patient which is nearest to the window. Do not enter the room the first thing in the morning, before it has been aired; and when you come away, take some food, change your clothing immediately, and expose the latter to the air for some days. Tobacco smoke is a preventive of malaria.

Enquire Within Upon Everything, 1884